For those of you who eat at fast food restaurants, this may not come as a big surprise to you. We all know that McDonalds is everywhere in the world, but not every place has Burger King. For some reason, this tiny little island has 2 McDonalds and 1 Burger King!
I was waiting for a water bus the other day and reading the small advertising panels they have posted around. I noticed these two and was amused--it translates to 'The America that we like' or 'America as we like it'. Apparently Burger King is having an anniversary and regardless of how they feel about us as a country, they do like our food! The first ad shows Jerry Lee Lewis....nothing speaks of Venice more than 'Great Balls of Fire', right?! The other ad talks about a Harley which is ever so practical on an island that doesnt allow motorized vehicles!
Just so you know, however, I wont be eating there.
I think you might be missing the point of the adverts. Those things are not meant to be practical in Venice. Rather, they are quintessetial American icons; the kinds of things non-Americans long for and identify as "American". Unfortunately, the same as the symbol of the 'ugly american'. Not everything is literal. There is metaphor, imagination, and fantasy...the very things Venice is built on. May I suggest opening your mind and soul a bit more while you are honored and priviledged to be in that city for a few months more. You might be surprised at what you finally see.
Actually, I think it is you who is missing the point...I have never once wavered in acknowledging the beauty of this city and how blessed that I am to be you managed to misinterpret that from this post is quite the I said, I was amused by the adverts. I was not waxing psychological aspects of the two was a light-hearted observation and it will stay as such.
Hey Susan, I like your overly PC way of saying "Bite Me". These overly sensitive elitist PC pooh-pooh-ers really need to let it go. Breather & Release. Pull your knickers out of your crack.
George Saintsbury: Nothing is more curious than the almost savage hostility that humor excites in those who lack it. You go Susan! Down with the Anal-retentives!
Susan great post as usual! Some people just don't get it. Do you really want us to believe you didn't sneak in for a Whopper??? Just kidding as I'd rather eat fish from the canals than a Whopper!!
You mean you weren't being serious when you made fun about Jerry Lee Lewis and a Harley on a BK ad! Such important topics! You've got to be kidding me! Why do people like that even bother reading your blog... people need to lighten up!
Rudeness and lack of respect will never drive a point home. It kills the original intent. My question is, why do some feel so threatened that they react the way they did with you?
Like Heather said, I loved the way you just said "bite me" :)
I especially liked what Marie quoted!
Must admit I've seen my share of Trolls, and I'd like to one day have the courage to answer back as directly as you did...
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