Thursday, May 24, 2007

My first piece of mail

Finally, I exist in Italy! I got my first piece of mail today...a wedding invitation. I met Clara and John on the plane ride over here in October. They actually used to live in Phx for a bit...he works for Fed Ex so he gets to travel alot. Great people and they were so helpful to me in December and when I first got here. Anyway, they are renewing their vows after 8 years of marriage. And so, they have invited me. A friend asked how is it that I have been in Italy for less than a month and I get a wedding invitation? I think this just epitomizes the 'always a bridesmaid' theme in my life! haha

Another humid day....very early in the season for this much....I might have to break down and get that fan sooner than I thought...although my apartment is rather cool--between all the concrete walls and the marble floors, it stays nice..however, I am sure I wont be appreciating this fact in the winter!

Time to go to the Billa again...I have been searching high and low for cat treats and catnip..does not exist here...I have cat treats coming at the end of June via a visitor but once he is out of catnip, I guess his drug habit will have to stop!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is your mailing address? You might be able to get more mail......